The International Peace Industrial Complex Consortium Super Pac (IPICC) is incorporated in the state of Iowa as a super political action committee, which means it can accept donations from any individual, corporation, organization or union without limit to size and with limited disclosure. As a super pac it can also present advertising to support any political idea, or issue and candidates. Contributions to this super pac can be given to the Come Together Iowa Political Action Committee, or in the future to any Come Together state political action committee.
We have organized the IPICC at a time when we fear that we may see World War III, and a possible nuclear war. The main focus and purpose of the IPICC is to promote peace, prosperity and justice for everyone. The IPICC is also obviously a push back to the the US military industrial complex which has over 110,000 companies and over three million employees. They have to start wars to keep their profits going. Our plan for the IPICC will be to invite peace loving companies and individuals to join so we can “fight for peace”. The IPICC hopes to recruit at least 200,000 members as soon as possible.
We will invite members of the military industrial complex to join, if they give up war, to help us build an underground tube mass transportation system to connect all major cities and nations to carry people, products and ideas around the world at high speeds and low costs. This transportation system is to be called the Peace Highway.
Then we will invite members of the military industrial complex to help us build over 5,000 new smart sustainable environmental cities to accommodate up to one million in each, or over five billion people by 2050. These are to be called Peace Villages. We can provide opportunities for employment, housing, education, health care, recreation, food, water, and security for half of the world’s population by 2050, if we only put our minds to it now. We even believe that businesses for peace can be profitable. Let’s give it a chance. It is better than blowing ourselves up.
We would like to see a new office of Under Secretary for Peace in the U.S. Secretary of State’s office. We also are sponsoring a world wide petition for peace, and to outlaw war, terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. Check out our petition for peace.
Membership to the (IPICC) is open to any interested individual, company, organization or country. There is no set costs to becoming a member. Membership is open to any one. We do not discriminate as to race, religion, ethnicity, age, sex or cultural background. Individual and company members will have priority in becoming a member of any Peace Village, and discounts on the Peace Highway. To become a member just fill out the form below or send a memo with your contact information to Your membership will make a difference.
(Form coming)