We get what we deserve in politics and government.


The Come Together Iowa Political Action Committee (CTI) is registered in the state of Iowa as a nonprofit organization. We can accept political donations from individuals only and to a limit of $100 per month or $1200 per year. We can also accept contributions from the International Peace Industrial Complex Consortium Super Pac (IPICC).

Because all Come Together Iowa candidates for public office sign a pledge to not take or spend any money it means our candidates have no direct influence coming from any special interest. “We are not bought and paid for.” Instead we will operate campaigns as a cooperate team with coop advertising and campaign material paid for by (CTI). The (CTI) will act as an endowment to receive donations and disperse funds. We would like to see (CTI) teams in every county and major city in Iowa which have locally elected officers, as well as a state chapter elected at large.

The (CTI) in Iowa, or any state, or country does not just invest in political candidates and political issues, as we want to “give back” to our communities by developing local, state and national projects such as food banks, clothing banks, credit unions, community centers, social audits to find out who is hungry or in need of services, as well as environmental projects. We want to be more than just a political party. We need your support as a volunteer and as a member.

Membership to any(CTI) has no cost, and all contributions are completely voluntary. Membership to any (CTI) is open to anyone of any age, religion, race, age, sexual identity or ethnic background. We do not tolerate discrimination, bias, or prejudice to anyone or any idea. We believe in real facts and histories. We believe everyone has some natural talent to share with the world, and that all individuals have worth and value. Please join us by filling out the form below, or sending your name, address, phone, email information to cometogetheriowa.jim@gmail.com. Thank you.

(form is coming)